Saturday, February 21, 2009

Infertility, recurrent infections, BC allergy?

Menses at 11. Started birth control at 11 1/2.
Changed types for 4 years, Levlite, Seasonale, Seansonique, NuvaRing, Ortho-Tricyclen, Yazmin (not Yaz).
All cause suffering in the GI tract. More estrogen causes Migraines, severe nausea, vomiting.
More progestin causes SEVERE painful cramping with diarrhea episodes.
Stopped at 15 years old, all symptoms went away.
Before BC pills, cycle was 32 days, period was heavy, crampy and lasted 7 days.On BC, cycle was anywhere between 28-35 and period lasted 3-5 days. Remained heavy and very crampy.
At 16, went on progestin-only mini pill. Cycle was exactly 28 days, period lasted 6-7 days. Slightly lighter, somewhat less crampy. Mood swings, and weight gain. Stopped after 3 months.
About three to four months of using withdrawal method (not always correctly) three months of using rhythm method with withdrawal and six months of no protection.
Three years of negative tests.
Two partners (not at the same time). STD tested and free.
First partner--chronic yeast infections.
Second partner (not circumcised)--Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis.
So, could this person be infertile?
What about birth control? She cannot keep a schedule, and wants children within a couple years.
What about the infections? The fishy smell of the BV stays stubbornly on her and her partner under the foreskin.

I see absolutely no reason to assume that this woman is infertile. Some women conceive right away, others take more time. She's been on years of birth control, her body may just need time to get back to normal. Chronic yeast or bacterial infections should not cause infertility, although they may affect your ability to conceive when they are active. It's not the intact partners fault about the BV either, it could just as well be that SHE carries it and is constantly infecting him, not the other way around.

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