Saturday, November 29, 2008

How to get rid of vaginal odor?.

First things first – feminine deodorant sprays play on women's insecurities about vaginal scent and attempt to suggest vagina's should smell like flower, just like anything else chemical these products aren't good for vaginal health as they interfere with vaginal pH in turn throwing off the balance of bacteria within the vagina that leads to vaginal infections thus the cause of bad vaginal odour.
Your vagina is supposed to smell like a vagina, which is a musky but clean smell, not unpleasant and that smell can change slightly throughout your menstrual cycle as hormones affect the environment within the vagina. No one else can smell your vagina other than you and any sexual partners you allow close enough, who would appreciate the smell and find it sexually arousing. You may also find if you are sexually active the smell can change after sex, particularly when no protection is used due to the semen combining with your vaginal fluids. You notice how your vagina smells because it is literally under your nose, and smelling your vagina is good for your health just the same as tasting your own vagina. Knowing your vagina's scent and taste is an important part of caring for your sexual health as once you know what is normal for your vagina you can then tell if something is wrong when the smell or taste changes. Note here that your vagina is self-cleaning and actually cleaner than your mouth so there is nothing 'dirty' about tasting your own vagina, and as it is yours then there is also certainly nothing perverted about it either.
The only time your vagina would smell bad is if you had a vaginal infection, for example with bacterial infections it is common for a vagina to smell foul, fish-like or with a slight scent of ammonia due to the additional harmful bacteria present in your vagina. If you have a bad smell then it is most likely to be an infection known as bacterial vaginosis, this is basically when the 'bad' bacteria take over from the 'good' bacteria. Every woman gets it from time to time although some get it more often particularly if they don't know how to best care for their vaginal health. I'm afraid the fact you have been using feminine deoderant has probably made things worse, all you ever need to use to stay clean is plain water, anything else will potentially cause infections leading to bad smells. You would need to see your doctor for tests and treatment, most commonly you are given antibiotics, also mention to him your partner as although this is not an STI it can be passed from partner to partner meaning once your infection is cleared sex with your partner may give you it back again.
You may also notice if you go unwashed for a while or you are sweaty then smell can be affected, but as long as it goes back to normal after washing then everything is fine. Menstruation can have an affect too, but again you should never smell bad, particularly if you stay clean and change your sanitary products regularly. If your vagina does smell bad then you need to see a doctor for testing and treatment, this may even be a good idea if you're worried about smell as testing will show you that how you smell is normal and healthy.
To stay healthy and smelling good wash daily, remember only ever wash with water, using your hand to wash between lips and around the clitoral head. Never use soaps, washes, sprays or wipes as these interfere with vaginal pH that can cause infections leading to odour. Keep yourself dry, wearing plain cotton underwear and avoiding synthetic or tight-fitting clothing can help keep your groin cool and dry which prevents bacterial and yeast growth to keep your vagina healthy. Avoid commercial pads as these can make your groin warm and moist, they also contain chemicals that interfere with vaginal pH, instead try organic or cloth pads, tampons should also be avoided at all costs as they are harmful to vaginal health, instead try softcups or menstrual cups.
Read more about it CLICK HERE

What are the causes of heavy bleeding with menstrual periods.

Abnormal uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation or menorrhagia is usually the result of a hormonal imbalance in adolescents during the years following the onset of menstruation, or in women who are approaching menopause.
Menstruation is often irregular or heavy during these times because, depending on hormonal levels, the ovaries may or may not release an egg. Another common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding is fibroid tumors.
Other causes of excessive bleeding that your doctor should consider include:
* Cervical or endometrial polyps
* Lupus
* Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
* Cervical cancer
* Endometrial cancer.
Women using intrauterine devices (IUDs) for birth control, may also experience excessive or prolonged periods. If you experience menorrhagia while using an IUD, the IUD should be removed and replaced with an alternative birth control method.
I'm not sure how old you are, but I would recommend that you speak to your Mom if you're still under 18 about consulting with your doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation. They will need to run some tests in order to properly diagnose you with what could be the cause of this.

It's to do with the lining of the uterus, but this can mean you could have problems like endometriosis later in life or you may even have it now and not know.
You could help your body control it more by going on the pill, as this makes your periods lighter in most cases and regular to the day.
Also, if it is making you pass out or quite ill, then your doctor may tell you that you can skip your periods using the pill so that you only have one every 6 weeks. You can do this without your doctors consent as it is quite safe but I think in your case, you should discuss this at length with your doctor.

How do you know if a breast lump could be cancer?

1.I went to the doctor for a lump in my breast I found a few months ago and she is sending me to a surgeon. Should I be worried? I thought you only were sent to the surgeon if the doctor thought it was cancer. I will go have a mammogram Monday morning and then see the surgeon in a couple of weeks. I am 31 years old and breast cancer does not run in the family. I am scared to death but don't want to get bad thoughts is my head if I don't need to.

2.Im 17 and i think i have a lump in my breast.i know some lumps are normal to have but how do you know if it could be dangerous?Should you check your breasts at 17?At what time of the month is best to check?Ill be getting my period in a day or 2 so my breasts are tender so should i forget about the lump until they are not tender ?

1.Well, a lump in your breast warrants some degree of concern. But, at this point, there's no need to panic. Just follow through as your doctor has planned.

Going to a surgeon is no red flag. I assume that "your" doctor is either your gynecologist, or your general practititoner. In both cases, these are doctors who generally don't deal with breast lump issues beyond initial evaluation and then referral.

The surgeon will probably, if your doctor hasn't already done so, order a mammogram. Perhaps other radiologic and/or imagining studies will be in order, I don't know the location or feel of your lump.

Then, the surgeon will work with you and plot a course of action. He/she may simply do a needle aspiration, to drain it of fluid - if it's filled with any fluid. Or, you might be set up to have a needle biopsy or biopsies of the lump. Depending on the results there, other surgical followup could be necessary. The first step is to find out what's "in" the lump and the surgeon will command that ship, so to speak. It may well be nothing, dear... so let's just not worry more than a little right now.

2.There is no way to know if a breast lump is cancerous without consulting a doctor; then if s/he has cause for concern s/he will refer you for tests. You can't self-diagnoose.

But at 17 your chances of having breast cancer are very close to zero.

80% of people diagnosed with breast cancer are over 50; women in their 20s and 30s who get breast cancer are considered young, and account for only a very small percentage of those diagnosed.

It is EXTREMELY unusual in a teenager - really, beyond rare

Even in adult women (including the over 50s) most breast lumps are not cancerous. Many women have naturally lumpy breasts.

Wait till after your period; if you're still worried see your doctor by all means - s/he should be able to reassure you. Some people here have suggested a mammogram - no doctor will order a mammogram on someone your age - young women's breast tissue is too dense for a mammogram to be a useful diagnostic tool. In all likelihood s/he will be able to reassure you after a physical exam only.

Examining your breasts is a very good habit to get into; you should do so monthly, several days after your period ends - this is when your breasts are least likely to be swollen and tender.

My female gynecologist shared this nugget of wisdom with me after I found a lump and became concerned, she said "female breasts are normal lumpy to a certain extent -- if you suspect an unnatural lump, just check to see if you have the same 'lump' on the other breast, because most are symmetrical." Sure enough - I felt the same 'lump' on the other side and quit worrying.

Pregnant and sharp stabbing pain.

Pregnancy can be a very anxious time. I understand totally. I am 31 weeks now and have that "should I, shouldn't I ring the midwife/doctor?" debate with myself all the time.
To be honest, although you feel like you ring them alot, who cares? If you are concerned (which you obviously are) then you should just call. Worrying alone is horrible. Its what they get paid for at the end of the day.
Discharge (yellowish/whitish) and an increase of it IS normal during pregnancy. I even wear a panty liner to try to make it easier to handle. I also had stabbing pains and dull aches and cramps and all sorts, worried myself sick and then was always fine!
However, if you DID have am infection of some sort, you would want it treated as it is not good for the pregnancy at all.

it is called round ligament pain!! very common. do some research on it! but i would still consult with your doc...just to make sure! you should always check out every pain with the doc...even if you think you know what it is!! you never know when it might be something different. drink some water and go lie down!!

It definitely sounds like "Round Ligament Syndrome." These are the ligaments that hold your ever-growing uterus in place throughout pregnancy...well, they do that job when you're not pregnant too, they just don't have to work so hard...
It's really nothing to worry about at all, the reason you'll feel that "stabbing pain," is probably you've gotten up too fast and/or twisted your torso and it pulled those ligaments...It really hurts, just for a few seconds though.
I also freaked out when I felt it for the first time, too...and this is my 2nd pregnancy!! LoL! So, I did some research and found out that round ligament syndrome is totally what I had and was set my mind at ease.
Just be aware of your body. Get up slowly and easy. DO NOT make any sudden movements or twist your body real fast when you get up.
And, of course, if you're still concerned and have some worries, talk to your doc. that's what he or she is there for!!

How to get rid of a stuffy nose and a sore throat very quickly.

Drinking hot blackcurrant helps! Also holding your face over a bowl of hot (not boiling) water can help unblock your nose. Also, put vapor rub on your pillow before you go asleep but don't smother the pillow or your hair will stink of it! You can also get cold and flu capsules/tablets which help so take one before you go and take some with you, they usually start working after 20 minutes and after you blown your nose the once you don't need to for an hour!

I just got over a really bad cold. I didn't have any money for medicine so I made some chamomile tea and put honey in it. It soothed my throat and stopped my cough. I also used some nasal spray that I got at dollar general a while ago. It worked really well.

With colds the best remedy is sleep and water therapy. Throughout the day, drink lots of fluids (preferably warm) and take in Vit C through citrus fruits or juices and get a whole lot of sleep for that night.
I'm gonna be realistic, it really takes a few days to cure a cold. However the steps i mentioned should lessen your colds and sore throat. Follow this method for another day and you just might be well enough to enjoy your beach vacation the succeeding day.

Steam away stuffiness. For temporary relief, take a hot shower, or put the kettle on for an old-fashioned steam inhalation. Steam helps shrink the swollen mucous membrane and promotes drainage. Add menthol or eucalyptus if you like, but the jury’s still out on whether they help. the cooling sensation of menthol creates the feeling of breathing more easily, even if it doesn’t reduce congestion.
Boil a pot of water, and remove the pot from the stove. Drape a towel over your head, and then lean over the pot. The towel will form a tent over your head and the pot that will concentrate the steam. This should unclog your stuffy nose in about ten or fifteen minutes. But don’t lean your face too close to the hot water, or you might risk scalding your skin. And, if things feel too hot under the towel, let the water cool off for a minute or two.
Drinking fluids like water, tea or juice will thin mucus, which will help alleviate your stuffy nose. But avoid beverages that contain caffeine, because they will only make your stuffy nose worse.
Placing adhesive strips across the bridge of your nose will open up your nasal passages. Breathing strips are especially good for nighttime use.
Get a little exercise if you feel up to it. Exercise acts as a natural decongestant by triggering the release of adrenaline, which narrows swollen blood vessels, including the ones blocking your nose.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Coughing up green gobs of goo?

I have a deep, chest, bronchitis sounding cough. The phlegm produced is thick and dark yellow to greenish. I have a runny nose, but am not really sneezing. There is pressure in my chest, and I am having difficulty breathing. I don't sleep well b/c I am coughing so hard, and occasionally have coughed up blood and/or vomited due to the intensity. I have pressure in the area behind/around my eyes and nose. Also, I had these symptoms a while back, and thought it was just the common cold. It has been on and off for about 1 1/2 months. I would go to a doctor, but I do not have a primary care physician near my University.

You have probably had some kind of recurrent bacterial sinus infection, which is now moving into your chest. You are developing pneumonia. Coughing up blood is a considered a serious symptom, in this case probably a sign that persistent coughing is causing minor throat or bronchial damage. nevermind distance, get to a doctor or a hospital and get antibiotic treatment now.

You can also try some Miucinex - will help with the congestion and coughing a little bit. Besides what sounds like a bad sinus infection you could be on your way to getting walking pneumonia (coughing at night and blood tainted mucus) please be sure to take your temperature. Walking pneumonia is almost always accompanied by a low grade Fever.
A Deep sinus infection must be treated - leaving this could cause (aside from the pneumonia) ear infections, eye infections and a slew of other problems.
I hear you about the insurance problem - I had a friend who had a mysterious lump on her ribs. I suspected cancer but being in the same situation you are, she could not even go to a primary! I told her to check out her local university's medical programs (this did the trick and she was able to get treatment and subsiquently has been in remission for 4 years!). Many times they can help, suggest or even assist you in seeking health care alternatives that are suitable to your situation

Can a person with a slight hearing loss join the Marines?

I am naturally born with a hearing loss in both my ears. I may not ever enlist, however, just to know if this option applies to me, does anyone know if there is any requirement that a person needs perfect hearing to be a candidate of the U.S. Marines?

If you can't pass the hearing test at MEPS you must be deaf they play a beep 100 times constantly just keep hitting the button and then they will stop for 30 seconds then 100 times constantly just keep hitting the button. It was the loudest hearing test I have ever taken. One time during the test a man or woman will come on and go don't press the button till you hear the tone even if you have been doing it 100% correctly. If it comes on more than 2 times than you might have to retake it.

Here are the hearing standards as measured by a standard audiometer. Anything worse is disqualifying:

Pure tone at 500, 1000 and 2000 cycles per second: Not more than 30 decibels loss on the average with no individual level greater than 35 decibels loss at those levels.'

Pure tone at 3000 cycles per second: Not more than 45 decibels of hearing loss.

Pure tone at 4000 cycles per second: Not more than 55 decibels of hearing loss.

AR 40-501: Standards of Medical Fitness, para. 2-7

im not sure bout the marines but i joined the army with hearing loss they just give you a waiver but when i went to the consult a guy went with me that was trying to join the marines so i think they would just do the same thing

The alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit "cold turkey" they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms -- which can range from the mildly annoying to severe and even life-threatening.

The severity of these withdrawal symptoms is usually dependent upon how "chemically dependent" the chronic drinker has become. Those who drink heavily on a daily basis of course have developed a high level of dependency, but even those who drink daily, but not heavily and those who drink heavily but not daily, can also be chemically dependent upon alcohol.

When someone who has become "alcohol dependent" decides to stop drinking, they will experience some level of physical discomfort. For this reason, it is extremely difficult for them to merely stop drinking "on their own" without assistance and support.

Never Again

The scenario has been played over and over many times. After a particularly damaging or embarrassing binge, the hungover person will make an oath to himself and others to drink "never again" and quite often is sincere about quitting.But with the onset of withdrawal symptoms, also comes the "craving" for more alcohol. The body is telling the drinker that it "needs" alcohol. As the physical symptoms of withdrawal begin to increase, taking another drink simply becomes less painful than not taking one -- or so it seems at the time.

For those who have committed themselves to not drinking again, or forced by circumstances to not have access to alcohol, the struggle to fight the withdrawal symptoms can become a dangerous battle, one that can actually become life threatening.

The Shakes
For some, who are less chemically dependent, withdrawal symptoms might be as "mild" as merely getting the shakes, or the sweats -- or perhaps nausea, headache, anxiety, a rapid heart beat, and increased blood pressure.
Although these symptoms are uncomfortable and irritating, they are not necessarily dangerous. But they are often accompanied by the "craving" for more alcohol, making the decision to continue abstinence much more difficult to make.
Even the "morning after" hangover of someone who only occasionally drinks to excess, is actually a mild form of alcohol withdrawal from the excesses of the night before, as the alcohol content of their blood begins to drop. The symptoms can appear within a few hours after not drinking.

The DT's
However, within six to 48 hours after not drinking, hallucinations may develop. These usually are visual hallucinations but they can also involve sounds and smells. They can last for a few hours up to weeks at a time.
Also within this time frame after quitting, convulsions or seizures can occur, which is the point at which alcohol withdrawal can become dangerous, if not medically treated. The symptoms may progress to delirium tremens (DT's) after three to five days without alcohol. The symptoms of DT's include profound confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, hyperactivity, and extreme cardiovascular disturbances.
Once DT's begin, there is no known medical treatment to stop them. Grand mal seizures, heart attacks and stroke can occur during the DT's, all of which can be fatal.

Do anyone know how long alcohol withdrawal symptoms takes to recover?
I had drink a plenty of red wine every night for a year? Then I day I stoped and suddenly the second day I started to have insomnia. Almost 3 months. I try valerian and melatonin only sometimes works. Now I still don't know the reason that I can't sleep well because when I don't need to work next day I sleep better. Maybe job stress.

When you have drank for long period of times you "mess" with the chemical receptors in your brain. This leads to insomnia with people that become chemically dependent on substance, such as alcohol. It may take up to 18 months for chemical receptors to become normal again. Stress can be a leading cause of insomnia, but if it persist go and see your PCP.

Are there withdrawal symptoms from chemicals in cigarettes besides nicotine?

Nicotine patches are deliberately designed as slow release to give you small amounts of nicotine over longer periods of time and are absorbed through the skin which is not as direct into the bloodstream as inhalation. And of course depending on how many you smoked a day the patches probably provide somewhat less of a daily dose of nicotine which would lead to some withdrawal symptoms.

On the other hand cigarettes have been known to contain Caffeine, Ethyl Acetate and Methyl Nicotinate all of which have their addictive traits.


I know that there are lots of other chemicals in cigarettes besides nicotine. Maybe this sounds dumb, but are they addictive? I'm on the patch but still having what I think must be withdrawal symptoms. I feel really tired and spacey, like I did when weaning on and off bipolar medications. Obviously something is affecting my brain to cause these symptoms, but I assume that since I'm on the patch I'm not in nicotine withdrawal?

Yes I have heard from multiple sources that the cig companies put addictive chemicals in their products so that you will indeed become addicted and keep buying their cigs. Nasty, huh?

You are probably withdrawing from could probably do a little internet research and find out what it is they put in there and get your mind off the side effects.

Congrats on your decision to quit. I know it's not easy so hang in there.


I quit cold-turkey 2 years ago, after smoking for about 15 years. I truly as physically sick, I am throwing up, etc. It lasted for about 5 days, and the other symptoms lasted for about two weeks. I can truly tell you, for about two weeks, I was experiencing horrible withdrawals. But, all in all it was sooooo worth it. I think you can do it too.


Try stop using the patch and just going it alone and see what happens. I am betting that your ready to stop alltogether. Also, the sooner you equate smoking with killing yourself, the sooner you will be able to quit for good. You see changing the associations your mind has with smoking is how you quit. Right now, when you think of smoking you think of pleasure. However, if you can change that so that when you think of smoking you think of pain and death, you will never want another ciggarette. Its all in your mind.

The initial symptoms of the chicken pox.

the first symptoms are: slight fever, red spots, then itching red spots... You might get something simular to chicken pocks from it by the way... In that case you should see your doctor.
Other than the spots are there any other symptoms for the chicken pox? The spots have not appeared yet but held a baby yesterday who has them. I had the chicken pox and 2 or 3 years of age. \
Chickenpox is a highly contagious illness caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV). It generally begins with conjunctival and catarrhal symptoms and then characteristic spots appearing in two or three waves, mainly on the body and head rather than the hands and becoming itchy raw pockmarks, small open sores which heal mostly without scarring.
Chickenpox has a 10-21 day incubation period and is spread easily through aerosolized droplets from the nasopharynx of ill individuals or through direct contact with secretions from the rash. Following primary infection there is usually lifelong protective immunity from further episodes of chickenpox.
Chickenpox is rarely fatal, although it is generally more severe in adults than in children. Pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complications. The most common late complication of chicken pox is shingles, caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus decades after the initial episode of chickenpox.

How soon does ringworm infection show symptoms?

My kitty and my family members have been exposed to a kitten with ringworm infection for 1 to 2 days, how long will my kitty and humans show symptoms if infected and what is the typical symtoms? Is itching a first sign? If my cat does not show symptoms, could it be possible she still is the carrier and can transmit to others? Do I need to treat a cat not showing symptoms? What is the best way to treat it?
Since ringworm is a fungus, it will spread at varying rates. More than likely though, your kitty would start to show signs within a week. Look for circular spots that look like dry skin, or reddish in color.
If you think that the fungus has indeed been transferred to your household, the first step is to control it. The vet is always an option, but the costs of "diagnosis" are pretty high. They test hairs from your pet to see if the fungus is detectable, and only then will they prescribe medication.

The symptoms in humans is normally itching first, then a dry patch of skin in a circular pattern, a bit harder to pick up in animals because of their fur, you normally can't tell if they have it until a patch of hair falls out. I've only had experience with it on horses, they rub on trees, fences etc to scratch themselves and the others can then catch from touching the fences, trees etc and it seems to stay on the trees for a very long time. I would say it is possible that your cat could be a carrier and it wouldnt hurt to treat it. I use a product called vetadine, its surposed to be watered down and used as a wash, it would'nt hurt to wash your cat with it! I hope it likes baths! But it actually works best dabbed on the area undiluted. I've used it on myself, its fantastic, put it on once or twice and ringworms are gone.It does specify on the bottle amimal treatment only, but it has never hurt me. you can get creams from the chemist but they dont work anywhere near as quickly as the vetadine.

i wouldnt be able to give you a specific time frame, but i do know that ringworm is a slow-growing fungus .. if i had to GUESS, i might say from a few days to a week.ringworm typically presents as a round reddened lesion, usually with crust and a raised outer edge. it is normally itchy. it people, this may be easier to see, while in animals .. you may not see it until the fur falls out.
cats are notorious for being asymptomatic carriers. it is absolutely possible for your cat to be a carrier and transmit ringworm to others .. but it is also possible for her NOT to be a carrier.
in school, i was taught that the vet can "comb" a cat's haircoat with a sterile toothbrush and send it out to the lab to see if there is any ringworm on the haircoat that has not obviously presented itself. i'll be honest, i've never seen a veterinarian do it, and i'm not sure how many vets do it, or if what i learned is even outdated (although i learned that last year).
there are medicated dips that can be done to treat ringworm. i'm unsure if it's necessary to do this since you don't mention your cat has any signs of ringworm.what i would do: give the vet a call, see if he/she thinks it is necessary to figure out if your cat is a carrier.
in the meantime, check yourself, family, and all pets in the home daily (ALL OVER) for suspicious lesions. also, be sure to use a disinfectant approved for killing ringworm on all areas the infected animal came in contact with if you haven't already.good luck, hope i helped.

The symptoms of mononucleosis.

The symptoms of mononucleosis are: fever, sore throat, muscle soreness, fatigue, abdominal pain, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, dizziness, disorientation, painful swallowing, enlarged tonsils, cough, and swelling around the eyes.

The virus has a long incubation period and sometimes won't show symptoms until 30 to 60 days after infection. Most often symptoms appear two weeks to 60 days after you've been infected. The most common symptom is constant fatigue, a constant state of feeling tired. As another of its nicknames, 'glandular fever,' implies, the most distinguishing mono symptom is enlarged glands, or lymph nodes, in the neck, armpit and groin.

I either have really bad allergies or something else.. im not sure. But i was just wondering what the symptoms of mono was, and how long can mono be in your system before the symptoms start to show. I share drink cups and eating utensils all the time, but the last time i kissed a guy was the beginning of July or so. Im a 16 year old female by the way.

you dont have to kiss someone to get mono. sharing utensils and drinking glasses is enough. mixture of one persons bodily fluids (spit is a great one...hence the whole kissing disease name) with your own is all it takes. the first time i had mono was when i was on a very sad year long no guy and kissing train ride. and i didnt even know anybody with mono at the time.
as for symptoms...i didnt have any for the longest time. my doctor was shocked how bad my mono was when my blood work came back...i felt fine for the most part. the only reason i went in was for swollen lymph nodes in my neck. they were the size of eggs. also exhaustion and a sore throat. rashes fevers chills and headaches as well. not all symptoms show up for everyone though so keep your eye open for any of them.

STDs can be transmitted by oral sex.

STDs can be transmitted by oral sex, and in some cases, you may not have any symptoms for years. It may take 3-6 months for some STDs to show up on tests. More than 98% of people would test positive for HIV within 3 months of being infected, but in rare cases, it could take up to 6 months for someone to test positive.

A woman gave me oral sex and we may have rubbed genitals, 3 days later no symptoms of an std am i safe?
If your genitals touched she could give you warts, herpes among other things. Your penis does not have to be all of the way in her vagina in order to transmit diseases like those. And no, you're not in the clear after three days. Herpes or Warts can lay dormant for years without showing symptoms. I know, personally. Best way is just to get checked at your doc so you know for sure.

If you have this sort of worry I can not in a million Years begin to understand why you would go and mess around with someone especially someone whom you feel may not be well all that healthy.
Why would you if you thought she was not healthy engage in any type of sexual foreplay or activities?
USE A CONDOM!!!!!!!!Even for oral. It may feel different but It beats the heck out of ever going through worrying.
As said you may still have been infected with certain things so I would go get a check up and while there get a handful of condoms The local health departments have baskets of free ones available Make use of them.
Any woman who just runs around giving oral sex to a guy without a condom also should be rethinking what they are doing too.

Symptoms of Eating Disorders.

Well, for starters, the most obvious symptom is one's insecurities as far as their weight. This should be fairly easy for you to observe -- have you been depriving yourself of food lately simply because you feel you need to lose weight? Most people with eating disorders will keep away from food for even days, simply for the fact that they feel they need to lose weight fast and they think that doing so is their only option, without even being aware of their condition. However, you should never listen to others, especially teenagers. They see a fairly skinny person and they automatically underestimate their weight, connecting it with some eating disorder. As far as other symptoms go, what kind of eating disorder are you referring to? There is a variety of eating disorders out there, including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Athletica, etc., and each and every one of them is characterized by different symptoms. The best way to find out whether or not you have an eating disorder, however, is to see a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist will give you an evaluation that is actually legit, unlike self-diagnosing, and if he does in fact diagnose you with an eating disorder, he will most likely refer you to a therapist for therapy sessions that could definitely help you out with your condition.

1) THE MOST IMPORTANT SYMPTOM : You don't like the way you look and would like to lose more weight.
2) You're feeling tired more often and are less enthusiastic about activities you once enjoyed.
3) Any way to achieve weight loss doesn't seem ridiculous, e.g. laxatives or purging.
4) You generally feel unhappier, and to some extent 'empty'.
5) You may begin calorie counting, and perhaps obsessively running your daily food intake through your head or planning it in advance.
6) Comparison with other women's bodies becomes ritual, you may find yourself analyzing the shapes of your friends and willing yourself to be smaller. Consequently looking like a perv, jokes.
Those are just general observations from me as I have an eating disorder. Obviously if you're anorexic you'll have lost hair, feel the cold adn have no energy whatsoever. If you bulimic you'll want to throw up everything that you consume or take a box of laxatives to flush it out. And lastly if you're a binge eater you'll go through periods of starvation then binging.
With every eating disorder there's an underlying issue, so if you're sure you're sick see someone fast as people suffer with these diseases for years upon years, and the longer you leave it the harder it is to beat.

How soon into Pregnancy can you feel light-headed?

my period ended a week ago though. It was longer then normal. I'm just trying to figure out what it might be.
I would guess that IF i was, i would only been a week along?I get really light headed in the afternoons then it gets worse as the night goes on.

From watching the mother of my kids I would have to say it can start anywhere from the first wk on up. She had some Nausea,regurgitation & was Light-headed at the end of her 1st wk... Her last menstrual cycle did not come until her third month of pregnancy. So to sum it all up... its different strokes for different folks. Only you know wats irregular about your bodily functions and must consult with a Doctor. However, it may just be nothing...

hey hun. you wouldn't be pregnant yet if your period ended a week ago. 2 weeks after your period starts you have what is called an ovulation day and this is the day you are most likely to get pregnant. you will notice that you have an egg white like strechty discharge on your pants and on the toilet paper this is when you should get busy in the bedroom to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

I just had to answer this one!! I got light headed for the first time with my 2nd baby, around the 5th month. With the 3rd, I accually passed outin a store that was too hot at 6 months. With this baby I am got light headed around my 3rd month. I thought I was crazy. Do you get light headed when you are hot, or just at anytime?

Im either 5 or 6 weeks (ill find out next week) and I get very lightheaded when I stand up, or start walking. I almost feel like Im going to pass out, and the whole room is spinning around me. This is really the only pregnancy symptom i have had so far, other than sore boobs.

Why do you feel light headed after a smoke?

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning it will cause your peripheral blood vessels to constrict and press more blood into the core area of your body, increasing bloodpressure in the process. Also, oxygenation of your blood is impared via the toxins that the lungs are receiving, (so heart rate increases via the increased CO2 receptors and a few more other complex things happen). The main reason for the weakness and faint-like feeling should be low oxygen levels in your brain. It sounds as though you're are a beginning smoker and your body hasn't adapted to the toxins as much yet as to ignore the assault....

The strange thing is blood prefers to carry carbon monoxide vs. oxygen so, smoking is going to reduce the level of oxygen in your system right from the start. This can cause a person to have a light headed sensation. It may be something to discuss with your doctor at your next visit.

Why do I feel light headed and dizzy after exercise?

I started exercising about 6 weeks ago. Whenever I do a hard class I feel like im going to faint afterwards, really light headed and "not here" I did a class few hours ago and still feel strange. I drank heaps of water and I have eaten. I have a history of blood clots, but have been given the all clear from that.

When someone works out, his or her heart pumps harder and faster, increasing blood flow to the actively exercising muscles. Blood vessels in the skin expand to dissipate heat. When exercise ends suddenly, the heart slows down its pumping activity, decreasing blood circulation even though blood vessels remain dilated. As a result, blood pressure can fall and a person can feel dizzy or even faint.
It can be common for someone to feel lightheaded or dizzy when s/he abruptly stops arduous physical activity. Feeling this way after exercising is probably not dangerous. However, if a person feels lightheaded or faint during exercise, that may indicate a serious heart condition. S/he needs to stop exercising and get medical attention and evaluation.
If someone feels faint, s/he needs to lie down so his or her head is level with his or her heart. Blood flow to the brain will increase, causing the feeling of faintness to abate. Maintaining good nutrition is also important if one is a vigorous exerciser.
To help limit or prevent feeling dizzy or lightheaded after exercise in general, cooling down adequately is key, coming to a full stop only after gradually decreasing activity. Slowing down in this way can help by maintaining heart rate and circulation and only gradually reducing them. In your case, you already warm down before being still, but perhaps walking briskly is too sudden a decrease in movement; jogging slowly at first before dropping down to a brisk walking pace could do the trick.
If, however, this more incremental reduction in activity does not improve how you feel after a run, or if this is a new development, it's important to make an appointment with your health care provider for a check-up and consultation.

I would suggest going to get a full physical including an EKG for your own well being. From your description it sounds like you may be experiencing severe fluctuations in your blood pressure but only your doctor can tell you for sure. The only other thing I can think of is that you have an inner ear imbalance. I hope this gets resolved quickly and painlessly for you.

First symptoms when pregnant

What were your first symptoms when pregnant, I heard that it is mostly morning sickness. and i am still kinda young and my boobs are still growing, i am 16, anywas he said that my boobs will hurt but wont grow till about 2 months and after the pregnancy.but when did you first grow?
Before i found out i was pg i felt awful.My nose was real stuffy and i felt so sick at my stomach and had cramps that felt like my period was on it's way.And my boobs were so sensitive the slightest touch would send me through the roof.
With my first I was 17y/o and had absolutly no symptoms.... not even sore breasts, not even a small amount of nausea.... now with my second I knew I was prego a week after getting that way... I was soooo sick and tired, and my breasts hurt so badly, and they still hurt to the point I cannot even think about wearing a bra.... im 27 weeks. Every pregnancy is different.... and I hope if you are prego yours runs smoothly...

never got sick with my pregnancy. I felt something almost like gas bubbles for the first few months. I had heart burn really bad through out the entire thing. I don't think my boobs got any bigger until after I had the baby. Then they were absolutely huge. I had a tissue infection so with the milk in there and plus they were swollen, made them even bigger. I had a friend that was pregnant and her boobs grew a full cup size before she was six months pregnant. I think it all depends. Every pregnancy and woman's body is different. So, it's hard to say when exactly it will happen.

wanted ice chips and boobs were sore missed period, sleepy all the time thats about it every woman is different honey let your pregnancy be one of its own it doesnt have to be like everyone else's God made us all different for a reason so if your boobs are sore then ok if not its ok trust me they will be. And don't let anyone rain on your parade!

Symptoms of first starting birth control.

just wondering what other people experienced... i'm 3 weeks into sprintec (generic for orthocyclen)
i had vomiting/nausea, headaches, irritability, low sex drive, mild cramps and continuous bleeding after first week. what about you all?

My gyno told me if I start experiencing those symptoms to let her know and she will switch my BC. Your body is having very bad reactions to that particular drug and you shouldn't be taking it. You should call your doc right away and switch to a different drug. Don't stop taking it until talking to your doc who prescribed it though... sudden shift in hormones like that isn't good.

The symptoms I DID get from orthocyclen was acne, weight gain, mild headaches, irritability, and mild depression the first few weeks,.

This is pretty normal for birth control...I was in your same situation and tried everything to restore it. I switched pills a couple times and gave up, the libido was just not coming back. I then found a natural herbal enhancer that is supposed to increase your sex drive and a couple other things. It's called Hersolution gel, read up about it at where I saved on it at the time. However it's like an instant libido rush and as I kept using it my sex drive was through the roof and continues to be. The sensation blast is great too, I can't tell you how many times I've had multiple orgasms when before I couldn't even get a single one. Theres also capsules you can take that I've heard are better but I don't like swallowing many pills throughout the day. I was skeptical at first but the return policy was so great that the company was offer. From what I remember you had to try it out for a couple months but then you had time afterwards to return it for a full money back if it didn't work. I didn't have that problem as you can see.

What are the symptoms of miscarriage?

I thought I was pregnant, but the tests came out negative. But if I was, I would've been 12 weeks. So here's the story. I had to come home from work one day because I was dizzy, nausous, and felt like fainting. As soon as I came home I started crying from the pain I felt all over my body, I had a fever, sweating, chills, major headache, nausea, vomited. I went to sleep for 12 hours and woke my hands looked swollen, and kind of bluish. No discharge though. So dizzy and I wanted to sleep more. The week after that happened I started my period with major clumps in it. I'm not allergic to anything, and didn't have any takeout(poisioning). At the time I was going through major stress at work and home,and drank alot of energy drinks, but that never had any effects. What do think it was?? I thought it could've been a miscarriage.
First of all, the home pregnancy tests are not always reliable. You can get a false negative. The best way to tell if you are prenant is to go to the OB/GYN and get a test in the office. They can tell you for sure. Signs of a miscarriage are many and may not all present at the same time. The obvious signs are severe cramping in the lower abdomen with bleeding. If there are clots in the bleeding, or if you are soaking a maxi pad thru in an hour, you are having a miscarraige. If this is happening, you need to get to the doctor or the hospital right away, so you don't bleed to death. (Yes, I'm serious.) Also if you are feeling a tight, vice-like grip across your lower back in the region of your kidneys this is also a sign of miscarriage. You should also save any tissue that your body expells in a plastic bag or container and take it to the doctor. They will want to look at it. If you are having a miscarriage, you are not alone, many women have gone thru this painful experience.
a miscarriage is major cramping with a very heavy flow. It sounds to me like you might have had the flu or something, and then from laying around in bed, you clotted and that is what was coming out. You would know if you had a miscarriage. The cramps are not like regular period cramps, more like labor pains
Some signs of miscarriage are: Cramping, light or heavy bleeding with large clots, aching lower back pain. If you think you may have had a miscarriage then you need to contact your Dr.

I think you should play it safe and check with a doctor... you wouldn't want this too afffect you from having any more kids...
It probably was a miscarriage. I miscarried in Jan and I went home from work with light bleeding and started bleeding more and more I went to the hospital and I was miscarrying. I had a high fever and was extremely sick...I had large clots and tissue that was coming out of me and lasted about a day or so, everyone is different though, call your doctor as soon as you can and get in and get checked out you might have to have a d and c and get the rest of the baby out if you did not pass it all out on your own. You could also develope an infection and cause serious problems down there and prevent you from having kids...Also you should not be drinking energy drinks those contain high amounts of caffine..

What could be causing sour stomach, constant vomiting nausea, diahrrea, headache, loss of appetite

The title pretty much explains it. I have a very upset stomach...sour to be exact. I have the rotten egg smelling burps, constant vomiting (3 times in the past 2 hours), watery diahrrea and a headache. I ate McDonald's really late last night about 11:30pm and went to bed at 2. What's wrong with me, is this just a 24 hour stomach flu or perhaps food poisoning??

i honestly think its a stomach flu... although it could be food poisoning, but I believe that takes a day or two to kick in.
Try drinking some ginger ale and some toast or saltine crackers to eat, to keep something in your stomach, even if you don't feel hungry.
Lay down and rest, take some tylenol...and see if you start feeling better. If by tomorrow you are still having the same issues, I would go see a doctor.

Sorry to hear you are not feeling so well...Call your local emergency room facility and give the them your laundry list of symptoms...They will oblige you with the possibilities to put your mind at rest. It sounds like tainted food/typical touch of food poisoning, but ,e.coli is more serious and you would need immediate attention...If you are not better from the Pepto and develope a fever with everything else and the diarrhea continues get yourself to a doctor.

It could be an inner ear problem probably related to the TMJ that you said you had. I have had the same problem related to my neck due to Fibromyalgia.TMJ is also a related condition of Fibromyalgia but luckily I haven't suffered too much from it. I think the neck muscles interfered with the inner ear in my case. In your case I believe it's the jaw joint. I found this info when searching the symptoms of TMJ. Also, maybe it's migraines caused by the TMJ Syndrome. Migraines definately cause dizziness and nausea. I have been there as well. Hope this helps and you feel better soon. I know what you are going through.

The 10 Symptoms of TMJ Syndrome

Clicking & popping of the joint (TMJ).Cause: Lack of cartilage at the rear hinge point.

Grinding sounds.Cause: Irregular bone surface at rear hinge point.

Headaches and migraine headache.Cause: Pressure of ball (condyle) of joint pushing on weak bone structure at rear of joint.

DizzinessCause: Lack of blood flow to brain when blood vessels are obstructed.

Ringing in the earsCause: Pressure on ear canal.

Excessive wear on teethCause: Subconscious effort to eliminate misalignment of jaw joint (TMJ) by changing shape of teeth by grinding.

Severe pain all over headCause: Pinching of nerves by ball of jaw hinging at rear of socket (fossa).

Pain in neckCause: Unknown, however most TMJ suffers experience it.

EaracheCause: pressure on ear canal.

Are birth control pills effective during your period?

I've been using the birth control pills on time for several months, we had unprotected sex during my period ( a day after it started), does the pill still protect me during these times?
Yes. Your pill is effective while on your period. It is extremely rare that a woman would become pregnant on her period regardless of birth control though seeing as a period happens when the egg is discarded from the womb.. you can't get pregnant if there's no egg to fertilize.
To Emry: You're very confused. The doctor calculates the date of conception if you're unsure two weeks after your period because that's generally when a woman ovulates.. not DURING her period!!

This can be normal for some women, while at the same time, this can be an indication of a problem for others. Each and evey women's body reacts to hormonal imbalance differently. May be your biological system take a little longer than others.
would recommend you to see your doctor and ask what he/she think about this. Since I do not have any data on your health history, I may not be able to give you a good answer. In short, this may be normal for you, but again, you need to ask your doc.
Yes... some women take longer like two or three months to get back to normal.

My ultimate advice is talk to your doctor and ask him/her. The way a lot of birth control pills work is to give a kind of mega-dose of hormones, these cause your body to not respond the same to sex (on a chemical level). They can also sometimes cause people's periods to either be super regular, or kind of hit and miss.
Also remember that pills are never 100% effective. As old fashioned as it may sound, the only sure fire 100% effective method of birth control is abstinence. I am not advising you not to have sex, I am just pointing out that you have to be careful if pregnancy is a concern.
My most important advice is this... NEVER have sex with any man that you would not want to make a father. Even if you are 100% positive that your birth control will work, don't take the chance. :P If you don't think he would be a good father, don't take the chance.
PS: This is an edit after the fact: This is in response to Olivia J's post. I have learned this from recent reading (I am going to be a father soon), but intercourse DURRING your period is when pregnancy is most likely to occure, especially towards the end of the period.
That fact suprised me as well. In fact if you are not sure of the date of conception, the doctor will guess two weeks after your last period.
Remember, conception doesn't generally take place the day of the act, it takes place a few days after. Also, your period is not simply the absense of a healthy egg, it is when the body is flushing the old one to put a new one in it's place.
I will agree that the pill is generally effective either way. However, do some research on the timing thing. You may be surprised.

Birth control pills are effecting your sex drive.

My girlfriend thinks that her birth control pills are effecting her sex drive?She is taking Junel. When she was on the shot everything was great now she is on the pill and she just doesn't care about it any more. Do birth control pills effect your sex drive?
Yes it can do that.She needs to go back to her dr. and request she be prescribed a different pill.It may take a few trys but she should be able to find a pill that is better suited for her body chemistry.
It is not that they can direclty affect your libido, but pills can cause huge hormone fluctuations--therefore affecting sex drive, attitude, desire, emotion, everything. I am on the pill and have been for a long time, but I still get side effects from the hormones.
Now that your gf has changed her method of bc, there will probably be problems for a while. If they dont subisde soon, she may want to look into a different brand. But yes, she is telling you the truth. Not to be rude, but men will NEVER have any idea what it feels like to add extra hormones into your body every month--it is a F***ING roller coaster of emotion! Give her a break--be patient.

It can effect your sexual desire. The dosage may not be the right one for her. Each birth control pill has a different level of hormone and different hormone combination. This level/combination may be effecting her. She can see her Dr about changing her script to another kind. Some woman have to change their scripts many times to find the right one for them.
A LOT i hate it. the one i'm on is much better than the many, many other i've tried, but there's still a marked difference. but, it's better than having children so i deal.

How long after you began birth control pills did the side effects begin?

I started birth control pills Sunday. I'm on Junel FE 1.5/30, which is a generic for Loestrin. Anyway, so far all I've had is a minor headache. Does it take longer than this for the side effects to fully effect me or am I actually tolerating this pretty well?

This is a tricky questions because everyone is different. Some women hardly experience any side effects when on birth control. Others, unfortunately, experience all of the side effects at some point, maybe multiple side effects at the same time.

Since you are just starting out you will probably notice your bodily changes more readily. There is no span of time where you will notice or stop noticing side effects, because we are all different, thus the way our bodies react to substances are different.

I know it's not very helpful, but it's the truth. Your best bet is to not worry so much about what you do or do not experience. Side effects are not a sign of how well the birth control works at all.And, if you are tolerating it that well, consider many of us out here jealous of you!

It can take up to a month for all of the side effects to kick in. Some people don't experience very many at all, but I've found as they get stronger near the end of the month they get worse. I had a killer migraine two weeks ago when I was on the last active week before the inactive ones. And I take ortho-tri-cyclen lo which is supposed to have fewer side effects.

Wow that is dumb. When they go off the pill (which they inevitably will in the future) there breasts will shrink back to their natural size, sag and might have stretch marks. When I went off it, mine shrunk from a D cup to a B cup! Also it can affect your mood without you really knowing (yep, more bitchy, emotional, or depressive behaviour) and kill your libido (so it might give you boobs, but then you won't even want the male physical attention).Personally I feel a lot better being off it, and wish I didn't waste so many years on it.

How to prevent weight gain from birth control pills?

I just started taking birth control pills. I haven't changed my diet or exercised any less, but I still feel a noticeable bloating. How can I prevent weight gain from the pills. I already eat healthily and exercise, which are the obvious suggestions to prevent weight gain. Is there a certain vitamin or anything I can be taking to offset what the pills do weight wise? What about the pill causes weight gain, anyway?

No, it's just water weight and it will go away in a few months once you get used to it. It's not permanent weight gain. Drink lots of fluid and stay away from high sodium.

Hormonal birth control basically tricks your body into thinking it's pregnant - that's why you don't ovulate when you're taking it. The increase in hormones makes many women store a little extra fat, as if in preparation for pregnancy.
If you want to get rid of the weight, you're going to have to kick up your exercise routine a little bit - add five minutes to your daily cardio, etc.
There aren't any vitamins or supplements to counteract the weight gain, and besides, that would interfere with the hormones and make your birth control less effective.
If you experience a really big gain, you may want to talk to your gynecologist about switching to a different prescription or brand of pill. Your body may not react as strongly to a different formulation.

As to whether the pill directly causes weight gain has been disputed heavily in the past - but there are a few possible explanations.
Some studies show that oestrogen in high doses can cause water retention, which might explain the bloating. If you're really worried about it, talk to your doctor who might suggest a pill with a lower dose. But the obvious hazard of a light-weight pill is that it'd be less effective as a contraceptive.
Others say that the sudden difference in hormone levels can stimulate a larger appetite. But as you didn't mention this, i'm guessing this isn't the problem.
I suggest carrying on as normal - and see what happens. If you're really concerned about it, talk to your doctor.

How quickly do birth control pills work?

1.I just started taking birth contol pills, so I'm still in the first package, just starting week four. I am sexually active with my boyfriend, and was just wondering if the birth control pills are effective in the first package, or if it takes a few sets of pills to really work.
2.I started taking Yasmin 28 birth control pills a couple of days ago, and I was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for it to be effective? I would like to have the option of having sex without a condom with my boyfriend, but without any unwanted surprises.

when i got birth control they said 7 days but i've also heard it can take up to a month or three to work. i waited the 7 days and now i'm at the end of my 3rd month of bc and everything's good.

It only takes about a week for most birth controls. Although, yours may be different. Just check the instructions and see how long it takes. It should say "you need to use a back up contraception for (this long)"Just check the booklet, and you should be fine if you wait as long as the booklet says.

Depends on the brand of birth control you're taking. Your best bet would be to do a search on the web and find the pills website. That would give you a more accurate time table.

It varies depending on th ebrand of pill you have, if you read the leaflet inside the pack it shoudl explain how long to wait.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

How can i save power in my home?

1.How can i save power in my home, and make it more climate smart. Also what are some natural cleaning products i can make and use?
2.My electric bill seems to be just as high even with the change of time.Who saves in the event of observing daylight savings anyway?
3.Does that defeat the idea of saving power or did I miss something here?

take out plugs from socket when you are not using it.
turn off lights when you leave a room
.don't leave unused electrical things on standby(still using power).

What about the fridge and freezer??!!
Shut all lights off when nobody is home and switch to energy saving light bulbs.

Things you can do:
1. Put a timer on your electric water heater. Adjust it so that it heats water only while you are home and are awake. You don't want to heat water while you are asleep or at work. There's enough thermal mass to keep the water warm enough for quite a while.
2. Turn off all lights. Change to CFL or LED lights where practical.
3. Don't heat or cool the home while you are away. Adjust the thermostat so that you are not heating or cooling the house to comfort levels but heat to about 65 and cool to about 85.
4. Don't overload the electric dryer.
5. When baking in the oven, turn it off about 5 minutes before the food is done. The food will still cook with residual heat.

Keeping the heat and air conditioning off whenever you can is a really good idea. Where I live we are on propane and our heat pumps are run by that and electricity. Using them is a double wamy! We save so much electricity by not using them. Right now I am electing to use small heaters for each room I am in too.
Replacing light bulbs with CFLs is a good idea too. Some are a little warmer than others. We also somehow manage to keep use of large appliances like the dishwasher and washing machine/dryer to a minimum - but that can be hard to do.

How should i drive to save fuel?

I've a Golf 2.0 (petrol) & wondering the best way to save on fuel whilst driving, should i be using higher gears, lower revs etc?I find it hard to stick to speed limits but how much could i cut down but actually cutting back on the heavy right foot?

try to maintain a speed that is even best efficiency was decided yrs ago during the first energy crunch to be 55 mph that is to say that around town in a 30 mph zone i would not reccomend 55

no jackrabbit take offs a t lites will save too
even accellaration on take off
the amt you will save is a variable I think safely say if you have bad driving habit you could increase milage by 15-20 %by improving driving habits

Higher gears and lower revs will generally help, but you shouldn't go so high/low that the car feels like it's bogging down, and if you start feeling vibration, you're WAY too low.
Sticking to the speed limit will generally give you decent fuel economy, as long as you can maintain a fairly constant speed. I'm not sure that going long distances SLOWER will actually help, but every car has some speed at which fuel economy drops precipitously. For example. At 70-75 mph, my 96 Thunderbird got 28 (US) mpg. Around 80 mph, it would drop into the low 20s. In my experience, 70 mph is about as fast as you should EVER drive if you're concerned about fuel economy. But, again, this speed will vary from car to car.
Yes, cutting back on the heavy right foot would help. You want to accelerate briskly, but gently. Most 4 cylinder cars, yours probably included, will do best if you're between 2500 and 3500 RPMs when you're accelerating. (Remember, if you go slower, you're spending more TIME on the gas...go too high, and you'll probably build up speed that you'll just waste, or you might get into less efficient RPMs)
Another way to save gas is to watch traffic and signals around you. If you see a stop light coming, and you know that it's been red for a while, and you have no one in front of you, just let off the gas, slow down a little, so that the light changes by the time you reach it. That lets you forgo stopping and accelerating from a stop, saving energy. Also, if you know you CAN'T avoid stopping, get off the gas ASAP. Just idle the rest of the way to the light. (You could shut the engine off, but in many places that is illegal.)
Make sure your tires are inflated and your engine in tune.

Use AC on the highway, windows down in town. (Well, assuming the latter is comfortable)

The most economical way to drive is to get into 5th gear as soon as you can - as soon as i get to 30mph either in 2nd or 3rd gear i change to 5th - then at least you don' t have to change at 50+ as well.

Can I save gas by leaving my car running?

My car has a 1.2L engine. If I run in to a store for 1-2 minutes should I leave my car on or will I save more gas by turning it off?

According to a local Public Service Announcement if you're going to be stopped for more than 30 seconds you should turn the engine off. Also you can never tell how long that clerk is going to take.Quite frankly the situation you described is a bad idea. Any delinquent that happened to be standing at the door of the store could hop in and take off. Why not he has the keys now, he has your address from the registration, and the keys to your house. Makes for a very expensive pack of cigarettes.

As a mechanic at the premier Caterpillar dealer in the U.S. I can tell you a fuel injected car with a V-8 uses less than a thimble-full of fuel to start up. The fuel system is pressurized and "gas" is always waiting at the injectors for start-up. Mid to late 80's and before had the carburated vehicles who's fuel system is not pressurized and after sitting a while air will enter the carb, travel down the line into the tank and require a longer start up time waiting for the fuel to go from the tank to the engine. Carb's aren't controlled as much and often a wasteful "gush" of fuel would come out on start up.

Turning off your car then re-starting uses renewable energy from your battery, mechanical energy from the starter, and makes a smaller "carbon footprint" . The wear and tear on the starting system and engine don't amount to more than $10 per year at best. My company spends over 10k a day just on fuel and everyone is required to shut off their company vehicle be it a semi or a small car anytime they are not going anywhere- even for a minute or two. As an F.Y.I. semi-trucks don't need to stay running for the "air brakes" to work. Air brakes have a reserve tank with built up air pressure whether the truck is on or off so when a driver presses the brake pedal air pressure pushes back the spring loaded brake shoes away from the brake drum allowing the vehicle to move. Google "hypermiling" for cool tips.

What kind of driving habbits can save you gas?

UPS wants to eliminate all left hand turns from their drivers to save gas. we don't need to go to that extreme, but what do you do to save gas when you drive?

1. Make sure your tires are properly inflated.

2.2Drive slower when possible. There was a reason for the 55 speed limit the last time around.

3. Be familiar with the traffic flow/signals around your town and area. Slow down when you see a red light and coast up to it. Some roads have lights timed for the speed limit. A car uses 20% more gas from a stop than while accelerating from 5 mph so coast and then roll when the light turns green.

4. Reduce weight. Don't haul around dead weight such as sand bags from the winter or other materials. If you don't need a full tank of gas (e.g. around town) keep your tank only 1/2 full; less weight = less gas used.

5. Accelerate moderately but get to higher gears quickly: they let the engine turn more slowly.

6. Frequent stops at rail crossings? If you have an idea of the train traffic in your area and know they usually last about 3-4 minutes (as they do here) turn your engine off. My hybrid always shuts down when stopped.

7. Waiting for someone? If the weather allows open your windows and turn off the engine. I've seen so many people waiting with the windows down but the engine RUNNING. Regardless of published hwy/city mileage, everyones car gets ZERO mileage while idling.

8. Plan your trips: go the furthest destination first to warm up the car. Then work your way back home,

9. Car pool; ride a bike; walk.

Combine all errands to one trip. Accelerate smoothly, keep constant pace to avoid unnecessary braking, use A/C only when necessary (thank goodness it's not hot in the Pacific Northwest). Keep up car maintenance ... clean air filter, properly tuned up, tires properly inflated, remove excess weight (junk in the trunk, ski racks), etc.
Extremes won't help much ... drafting cars, shifting to neutral going down hills, etc. Careful planning of driving route helps to eliminate wasted fuel as well.

How can I save gas and money while traveling across country?

I'm relocating from California to Texas this week (military) and I wanted to know if anyone has any good suggestions for saving money while traveling. I want to try and do what I can to save money and use my gas as efficiently as possible.

The best way to save gas on a long trip is to simply not drive so fast. I have a car that gives me the gas mileage on a display in the dash, and I can see the mileage go down as I drive faster. Sticking to the speed limit works out just fine.
Anything else would just be common sense. Eat fast food instead of at nicer restaurants. If you have to stop and spend the night somewhere, pick a decent hotel, but nothing too fancy. Etc. . .

drive the speed limit and do not tail gate. try not to overload the car. Make sure tires are properly inlfated.
As far as A/C, the other poster is wrong. Modern A/C's are extremely efficient and studies have shown there is a negligible difference bewtween driving with it on or off. At highway speeds, windows open creates a signifigant amount of drag, wasting far more gas than driving with the A/C on. Windows doen breaks up the aerodynamic nature of the car, which is designed to have minimal drag. Thats why cars look the way the do today and not like they did in 1950.
The best you can do is drive smart. Set the cruise at the speed limit, sit back and relax. Every 5 mph above 65 actaully costs 10% more and doesn't really get you there any quicker, plus doing the limit saves on traffic tickets.
Ignore the idiots who will tailgate you and race on by. They obviously have big bank accounts or have somewhere real important to be.

Why buy an electric car to save on fuel costs?

When my reality is that electricity costs more that gas. I have read three articles this month that state that the average cost of electricity is ten cents per KW. But my SCEdison average cost is over 25c and my tier 5 (or marginal) cost appears to well over 40c and maybe 50c with taxes and users fees. And there is no discount for "off peak" to use electricity at night. This seems to equal gas at four to five dollars per gallon?

With the average electric rates (10 cents per kWh), electric cars cost around 2 cents per mile. If your rate is 25 cents per kWh, then it would cost you 5 cents per mile.

In comparison, a Prius gets around 50 mpg, so if gas costs $3/gallon, that's 6 cents per mile. That's the most fuel efficient car you can get right now, and it's still more expensive than an electric car, plus gas prices are not going to stay down around $3/gallon forever.

I think that your math is wrong, or that you live in a place with extremely high electricity prices/ extremely low gas prices. Running cars on electricity should reduce the fuel costs, since it's more efficient to create the energy at a power plant than in the engine of your car. Do you really pay 25 cents per kW-hour? That's a lot. You should call your utility and ask why it's so high.

I'm sorry but I do not believe that you are paying 50c per kwh. If thats the case you ABSOLUTELY must switch to solar panels on your home. It will pay off in 5 years instead of 20 for most people.

You are right. It doesn't make sense to use SCE. However, if you plan to stay in your home, solar panels could be one answer, unfortunately they are not good at off peak.Hybrid is they way to go now.

Can switching off the airconditioning save fuel in the car?

Yes it can depending on driving circumstance. If your just driving around town then yes as it less strain or drag on the motor. If you on the high way or free way then no as the turbulence that would be created by having the windows down create more drag on the car causing it to use more fuel.
Even tho I don't know if the saving would be negotiable with in town driving.

Guess what? The most recent Car and Driver Magazine just ran a test on fuel economy with a car that had air and a sunroof. They ran three tests at various speeds. At each speed the best fuel economy was had by running with the windows closed. The next best was at the same speeds with the sunroof open. Third was the windows rolled down. The worst fuel economy was recorded by running air conditioning.

no it wont save enough gas for you to actually notice on the newer vehicles ,today's cars are built a lot better and use less as when using the air conditioner,so turning it off and rolling down a window doesn't help save you enough gas to even notice,there's been so many test done on this to prove that it doesn't help that its ridiculous,what the test actually did do was prove that its cheaper to run the air than to roll down a window.

no, they said using a/c or rolling down your windows are the same thing, also, removing heavy items from your car, keeping air pressure in your tires will. Stepping on you gas pedal will waste your fuel.

Maybe obama has the answer, A way to save on the cost of fuel?

If we do as he said he wants, and we know that congress is in lock step with him on this if we just give up in Iraq, bring home our troops, then when they hit NY, or LA, we can just fight them there, and save all that fuel that it takes to fight them in their homeland, is that the plan? Is that what he has in mind?

if we give up in Iraq that will be the end of the world as we know it and how are we going to fight them in new york or LA if when they go into a building with a plane they will already be dead and if we don't do anything about it they will just keep killing us Americans!

...or maybe... he wants to increase gax tax to the point that nobody can afford to drive to work anymore, so everyone has to quit their job and get welfare. That would be Obama's dream come true... total government control and redistribution of wealth. Only problem is... nobody's left working to actually pay taxes.

He's stupid enough to think that! The only way to save on the cost of fuel is to find another fuel source that rich investors can't invest in to drive the cost of fuel up. When are people going to realize that there is no fuel shortage,just greedy people making money off the whole thing.

Sure, and he can stand in the front line. What a crock. We can get out our guns and bibles and maybe we can hold them off. I think not. I prefer the fight stay over there. 911 was far too close for me.
I know, maybe he can 'talk' to them and they will just give up. You think?

If car Tyres were filled with helium would it save fuel?

If the car weighed less it would use less fuel so in the long term would filling the tyres with Helium save fuel?
Absolutely not, besides a myriad of other reasons it wouldn't work, the main one is that the amount of helium necessary to create any lift is far more than could be put into a realistically sized tire. a vehicle is very heavy and also in order for a tire to be useable it must be made of sturdy yet flexible material which makes it heavy. Think of it this way, if you were to remove a typical tire and wheel and fill it to bursting with helium it still would achieve not even the slightest lift and thereby no weight reduction.

Hydrogen is half the weight of helium, so would save even more fuel. Problem is both are also very small atoms compared to the usual components of air in tires. A helium balloon deflates because the helium atoms are able to squeeze through the microscopic holes in the rubber of a balloon. Same would be true of a tire.

Haven´t you heard about the world wide shortage of helium? Prices are sky rocketing. Children´s parties will never be the same for the next generation because of our wastefulness and greed. The Goodyear blimp is a helium guzzler! Boycott Goodyear tyres (tires)!

No. The cost of helium would probably outweigh the savings. Nitrogen, on the other hand, is the way to go. FYI to the ignorants: Not everybody is from the U.S., and some strange cultures outside of the U.S. (like that exotic group of people in a country called England) spell it T-Y-R-E.

Do you save fuel by driving close behind other cars?

I know that one must maintain a safe distance b/w your car and the car in front. But while driving on the highway the other day, I wondered if it would help with the gas milage if I decrease the distance between my car and the car in front or if I drive behind a big truck. Would doing so help my car by reducing drag or would it not have much of an affect? What are your thoughts on this matter?

Yes it will improve mileage slightly. This is called Drafting, or drafting another vehicle.
When riding my motorcycle, I notice more of a difference when behind a semi trailer versus a full size pickup., even when at a safe distance...
Drafting on the highway is not very safe to do because your reducing the distance between you and the car in front of you .

No. In order for that to be effective you have to be so close it will seem like your vehicle is connected to the truck. Driving that close to a semi-truck is illegal in most if not all states. On top of that its extremely dangerous. If the trucker hits his brakes you won't have enough time to slam on yours.'re dead. Is saving gas worth it?

It's called drafting and it's one of the tactics for hypermiling.
1.Close-in: Pulling into <> 1.0 seconds directly behind a semi-tractor trailer rig at speed. Results good as there is slightly less wind drag to break as well as being much safer than a Close-in.
3.Surf: Pulling in just behind and along side of semi-tractor trailer rig at speed attempting to reduce your own aerodynamic drag by riding in the broader wake the rig ahead and to the side of you has created. Results are minimal but better than driving naked into the wind.
4.Traffic Side: Traveling at a slower speed in the far right lane while traffic passing creates a bow wake effect across the entire highway/road in which you are traveling. Results are excellent the heavier the congestion is as long as there is some speed difference between you in the far right lanes and the traffic in the left lane(s) as you are receiving both the high fuel economy from the slower speeds as seen in the steady state speed tests above as well as receiving a lowered aerodynamic drag because of the wake helping to pull you along.

What do you think about hypermiling? How do you save fuel while driving?

What are your favourite driving techniques to decrease fuel consumption and increase your mileage?
Do you use different tires (summer instead of all-season), selecting Neutral often, trailing larger cars, turning off air-con, etc... Any ideas, suggestions, experiences welcomed.

Hypermiling has been around for a verry loooong Time! It's funny, how it has just now become a talked about subject.
Reasons due to the fuel prices going up!! But everyone should be learning how to be a Hypermiler. I tell you what just change your airfilter,and you will be surprised at the amount of fuel you can save! :-)

Hypermiling is good if the techniques used are absolutely safe (some are not, like tailgating - called "drafting"). My tips are:
1. accelerate very slowly
2. let off the gas far before you have to stop (coast to the stop, I don't use neutral, I think it can be unsafe)
3. turn off the ignition at long stoplights and for trains. I have read that anything longer than 10 seconds of idle time, it will pay to shut the car off, if the vehicle is fuel injected.
4. remove any excess weight from the vehicle
5. do not use AC if you can stand it, but do NOT open windows it creates drag
6. check tire inflation monthly. The hypermilers claim you can inflate up to the MAX rating listed on the sidewall without damage, but I only go a few psi above the vehicle mfgr's spec.
7. drive 5 mph below the speed limit.
8. car pooling saves 50 - 75%
The Mythbusters proved that you can save 20% on gas by following a semi truck at 50 feet. That is only about 1.2 seconds or so, which is very dangerous. There is some small savings at safe distances.

What are the effect of Hydrogen vs Fuel when you convert to save fuel?

I live in OK and saw a broadcast about converting fuel to hydrogen. I think its a good idea, of course my boyfriend has questions about what it will do to the engine long-term. Please advise.

Hydrogen embrittlement is a problem in engines using only hydrogen as fuel. The hydrogen soaks into the metal surfaces of the engine and causes a molecular change, making the metal brittle. Hydrogen embrittlement has yet to be documented in vehicles using small amounts of supplemental hydrogen . I installed my first hydrogen generator on a 1992 ford ranger 4.0l, after install my average mileage went from 17.1 to 23.7. A side benefit is that my engine knock when pulling hills is gone.
Install #2 is my 1977 Mercedes 240D (2.4L / 64 horse power). mileage went from 27.2 to 36.4 using bio-diesel 80.
There are a lot of web sites that will sell you plans for a hydrogen generator (electrolizer) . Many of these plans are fine for kids science fair projects but produce very little hydrogen. Some of these devises look like a mayonnaise jar with wires coming out of the top with old forks for electrodes, and recommend using baking soda for an electrolyte…. Not something I recommend to attach to your vehicle!

if you actually get one converted and running. it will save you thousands of dollars. and it wont do any damage that will cost that much to repair. if you have the money and the knowledge to do it go ahead. its a good idea, i hope the compressed air vehicle comes to the us soon myself, but all alternative fuels interest me

What is the best way to save fuel for my car?

With petrol prices rising, being a student, I need to save as much money as possible. Any ideas will be great.
regarding car maintenance:
1. maintain good tire pressure
2. keep your engine in good running condition
3. keep extra weight out of your car - don't use it like a locker

regarding actual driving:
1. don't do jackrabbit starts. at all.
2. don't get your revs above 2000rpm. be easy on the throttle. shift at that point or a little earlier (say 1800rpm).
3. look as far ahead on the road as you can. see if accelerating is worth it, or just maintain your speed coz you'll be braking soon anyway.
4. don't shift lanes too much.
5. if you live in a hot place and really need airconditioning, put the thermostat at 50% or below, and just increase the blower speed. most new cars are designed to blow comfortably cold air at below 50% thermostat anyway. roll your windows down if the air and weather is fine. doing that hurts your fuel mileage, but it's almost negligible unless you're doing 100mph. still better than having your A/C on.
6. cruise at top gear and 2000rpm on the highway. it's boring, i know. but it's keeps your wallet heavier.
7. turn off your car's engine at stop lights. if you can keep your engine off for at least 30 seconds, you'd have saved gas.

Use the accelerator with care lightly accelerating as though you had a pair of soft slippers on the pedal, building up speed in a steady manner and easing back on the throttle will save quite a surprising amount over a month, a year, a lifetime.Please note in no way am I saying use slippers when driving but just imagine that you are applying that lighter touch.
Another good lesson to remember is that a car at seventy mph has to deal with the greater ram effect having to push tonnes of air from out of it's way whereas 56 mph makes it ten times easier for the car to proceed thereby saving energy and lowering your fuel bill enormously.

own/drive something modestly small, which is efi.-pref NOT Korean. Drive gently, smoothly, by looking well ahead to predict traffic flow. Do NOT drive an automatic unless you are disabled or have a lot of traffic to regularly contend with and you get physically tired from using the clutch. keep tyres fully inflated, make sure brakes don't drag, do not use fans/heater if possible, keep speed as low as practical, to reduce wind drag and save fuel. do not accelerate up hills, ease off and use a lower gear-do not labour the motor. Use only enough throttle to accelerate, not too much for the motor to draw on_IE use a vacuum gauge if necessary, and drive consistently on the highest vacuum. keep air filter clean, make sure idle speed/mixture is correct. A hot motor uses less fuel, but also produces less power. Make sure the inlet preheat tube is working, jam the valve open if you like in cool/cold weather. keep choke usage minimal, keep revs down whilst motor is cold.