Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bactirial vaginosis are their any treatments besides the antibiotics?

I have had BV for about 5 yrs ever since I had my son off and on I don't have any STD's have been tested but have tried the Metronidazole 3 times and it just doesn't seem to work. I am pregnant and lets say a C section is not an option so I am worried if this treatment of the metronidazole does not work the baby will be at risk? Oh have tried acidopholis (sp?) and yogurt did not help at all.

Stay away from sugar, fruit juice, syrup, and just about anything sweet. If you need to sweeten your food, use a natural sweetener like stevia.
BV thrives in an acidic environment, so make your diet as alkaline as possible. Eat cooked and raw fresh spinach leaves which are extremely alkaline. Also, spring mix is a good choice for making your body alkaline. Cut back on foods which are acidic -- white flour products, meat, (particularly beef), eggs.
My best guess is that your baby will not be at risk because you have BV, but I'd consult a doctor on that.
Consult with your doctor about taking Pau 'd arco. In ancient times, the pau d’arco tree amazed the indigenous peoples of South America with its ability to repel microbes. The truth is, no fungus ever forms on the pau d’arco tree, even though it grows in the most lush tropical rain forests in the world. The herb works wonders at killing anything fungal or yeast infections, BV, etc. In fact, you won't even get a cold if you take it every day.
Certainly, after you are pregnant, you can take Pau 'd arco and cinnamon to eliminate your problem.
So in summary, stay away from sugar, eat lots and lots of greens to stay alkaline, and certainly after your pregnant -- take Pau 'd arco (powder or tea) and cinnamon powder.

They say the Garlic in the vagina help the PH balance that is off in your vagina. Also you need to have you boyfriend or husband take the Flagyl. I can guarantee that this is the reason you keep getting it.

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