Monday, December 1, 2008

The cause of virginal bleeding after intercourse.

Bleeding during or after sex is not considered normal and therefore should be evaluated at all times. The only time bleeding during or after sex is considered normal in some cases is if you are having sexual intercourse for the first time.

Some causes of vaginal bleeding after sex, such as vaginal dryness after menopause or in some cases by the use of certain types of birth control pills are not serious and may be easily treated.

However, in some cases, vaginal bleeding after sex can be a sign of a serious underlying problem, including:

* Inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis).

* Sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.

* Cervical polyps.

* Cervical ectropion, a condition in which the cervical tissue is more susceptible to abrasion.

* Endometriosis or ovarian cysts.

* Pelvic inflammatory disease.

* Uterine fibroids.

* Cancer of the cervix, uterus or vagina

If you continue to experience bleeding during or after sex, I would recommend that you consult with your doctor/gynaecologist to see what they think could be causing this.

1) If the blood is bright red and looks like when you cut yourself in the finger, then the bleeding is due to an injury.

1a: For example, either the hymen ruptured again (can happen with large penis even if you are not a virgin anymore), the inner labia or the vaginal wall got torn a little bit. If this was your first time, then the bleeding stems from the ruptured hymen and this is absolutely normal.

1b: This might also occur due to vaginal dryness and friction during sex, and also due to too rough sex. Never have sex with dry penis or vagina. Either you are naturally moist or use plenty of lubrication. Relax and avoid vaginal tightness; go slow in the beginning.

1c: This might also happen when fingering with sharp nails or household items. Avoid all items with hard parts or sharp edges.

1d: If the blood loss is little and the pain only mild and short-term, then don't worry about it; it will fix itself.

2) If the blood looks like menstrual blood, e.g. brownish or dark, then the post-coital bleeding is purely conincidental and has nothing to do with having had sexual intercourse. It is probably just intra-menstrual spotting. Don't worry about this.

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