Wednesday, December 17, 2008

An infection from using the scented tampons.

About a week ago I had my period and used scented tampons and panty-liners for the first time. A few days ago, once my period was over, I started to experience a little uncomfortableness down south. The next day, yesterday, my outer lips became a little red and more uncomfortable, but not really painful or itchy. By today, the redness was gone but it was still a little uncomfortable. And now today I got some greenish-yellow discharge.
am sexually active but my boyfriend got tested for STDs a year ago and I'm the only person he's had sexual contact with since he tested negative for everything. I'm going to make an appointment, but does anyone think that these problems may have been caused by the scented things I used?
I'm really freaking out because I noticed a bump under the skin (pink) by the hole. It hasn't changed and it isn't sensitive though, but I have no clue if it's all connected with my other issue.

It could be a vaginal infection like vaginitis or inflammation caused by the chemicals in your feminine products. The bump could be an ingrown hair or something. The symptoms of vaginitis:* A change in discharge, both in smell and color.* An itching or a burning sensation in the vagina.* Discomfort when passing water, or during sex.more

You have an infection from using the scented tampons. The vagina is a very sensitive area - but its also "self cleaning." There are tons of GOOD bacteria and the slightest change to such a sensitive place can cause a disruption - which sounds like what you have.
I'd go to the doctor to get treatment - its best not to treat vaginal issues yourself if it is your first experience with such problems.
In the future stay away from anything with scents - tampons, pads, creams, feminie sprays, and definitely don't ever douche (summer's eve). Its even bad to use an antibacterial soap in the shower when you wash your crotch because the "antibacterial" part of the soap kills off the good bacteria in your vagina. A close friend of mine was getting chronic yeast infections becasuse she was so paranoid about being "dirty" down there that she would use anti-bacterial soap, and that turned out to be the problem.
Let your body clean itself, and just be in-tune to what is going on down there - because every woman is different!

What exactly determines vaginal odor? 99% of the time my vagina has virtually no scent. "That time of the month" and a 1 time case of bacterial vaginosis I treated, are the only exceptions. This is not my imagination. Nearly every partner Ive been with has mentioned it. Its been compared to water. Ive been curious lately and did a little poking around. Everything I have read, including credible sources, claim all vaginas have a smell and unless particularly rancid smelling, it is nothing to worry about-- or even a good thing. They also make all kinds of products to "fix" smells. I am a twenty something year old with a diet that doctors would frown upon. I shower daily, but thats about it. Sex or missing a shower rarely affects the odor. Is it normal to have some odor? Am I just lucky? unlucky? What is in vaginal discharge/lubrication and what factors determine the scent?

You are normal and healthy. Strong vaginal odors can be a sign of infection or poor hygeine. But most women do not have objectionalble vaginal odors. You may be eating yogurt with live lactobacillus cultures. That is reported to help. So does occasional douching. Other than that, good hygeine, changing your clothes and bathing or showering regularly is sufficient to keep things under control.
Addendum. I've been thinking some more about this. If your sexual partners are impressed at your clean odor, you might want to question who they are comparing you to! Are you using appropriate protection to protect you from STD's?

am quite sure some odour is normal same as skin has some odour depite washing and showering twice per day.. and there is not an unpleasant odour to the vagina.. only if it really has a fish kind of odour then there is something wrong and would be very embarassing if one has a sex partner.. but that must be due to a bacterial infection or urinal tract infection or the discharge should not scent unpleasant if that has a fishy odour that is a sign for bacterial infection of the vagina...
It sounds fine to me..if you have no odor is perfectly normal for you to be that way..some people have no underarm odor either.. it is just the way some of us are..a very strong odor would mean there is a problem ..

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