Saturday, December 20, 2008

How normal is bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy?

as with my other pregnancy, I got BV alot and its even worst with this pregnancy. I know that it have to do with balance but am I the only one?

About 1 in 5 women get it during pregnancy. It's pretty common. You know what, I was having that same problem. I even had it before I was pregnant. I felt wet and miserable all the time. Turns out that what I was doing to prevent it, was actually causing it. Based on tradition, I thought it was good health to wash inside the vagina with soap and water when taking a shower. My doctor told me not to and guess what? It stopped! He said the vagina cleans out itself. If you are doing the same thing I used to do just stop and wash just the outside with warm water and soap.
Also, don't use scented soaps and body sprays for a while. See what helps. Wear only full cotton underwears. Remember however that your body is producing extra fluids when you are pregnant so you are going to be getting wet anyways. Just don't forget your panty shield and best of luck to you.
I am pregnant with my first child and I have BV. I am at the end of treatment. They gave me a cream to use. I don't know if it's gone but I sure hope it is. I guess I will find out at my next appt. My dr. told me there is nothing you can to do to prevent BV. It's caused by hormones during pregnancy and that's all there is to it. It's a good idea to always keep down there clean and dry though and to always use a pantyliner too. It's so common during pregnancy. I wouldn't worry about it.

26 weeks pregnant and diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis?
I've apparently had it for a few weeks... at first the doctor diagnosed me with a yeast infection I used the 7 day treatment as directed then today... the 7th day I noticed I was swollen and irritated still and by chance the nurse calls me and tells me I have bacterial vaginosis.
Im pretty mad at them for having me go through a yeast infection treatment needlessly especially during pregnancy .. I've had symptoms of pre-term labor with this pregnancy already aside from this... and now hearing this is scaring the crap out of me since its apparent I've had it for several weeks untreated.
Im just starting the antibiotics now.....I am aware of what it is but my question is,,,,, did anyone else have this and end up with a pre-term delivery???? How much do I need to be concerned with this? I've read up on it even before I got the offical diagnosis since I suspected it while treating myself for a yeast infection.
P.S this is my third pregnancy.

I had to deal with both during my entire pregnancy and I had a healthy girl born on her due date! I was opposite from you because they treated me for bacterial vaginosis and then called me almost a week later and told me it was a yeast infection and everything turned out fine. Don;t worry yourself and good luck!

im sorry your doctor made such a mistake i would be just as angry... i had bacterial vaginosis for 3 years without knowing it.... come to find out its really common (and nothing really to worry your self over) and easily taken care of what ( i was alergic to both medications) helped me was trying to change my underwear at least 3 times a day i changed my soap to soft soaps and made sure that i got all the soap rinced off i stoped wearing thongs and changed to panties and it helped a lot to wear loose clothing until the swelling and irration went down.... best to not itch it (shaving you mound does not help best to stop) and use the medications they give you if they work... but seriously its nothing to really worry about all it is is a bacteria build up as for your quesiton... my Best Friend had it durning her second trimester of her pregnancy .... and she never had any problems with her baby of course she was a little over due but thats just happened naturally but she had a beautiful healthy baby girl in the end...

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