Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How do you know when you have bacterial vaginosis and does it spread?

I have had yeast infections before and at first I though that this was one. But earlier today I realized it might be something else. There is a clear discharge but it doesn't smell at all (but my yeast infections don't smell either) so that's kind of why I thought it was a yeast infection. But now the outer area and near my bum is sore and irritated. Could this be the bacterial vaginosis? and is there any thing I can buy over the counter to help? It is friday night and I will not be able to see a Dr. until monday and would like to at least releive some of the discomfort if possible.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a change in the balance of bacteria that are normally present in the vagina, which can cause bothersome symptoms. BV is the most common cause of vaginal symptoms in women of childbearing age.

The most notable symptom of bacterial vaginosis is an excessive, bad-smelling, grayish-white vaginal discharge. A "fishy" smell, which is usually worse after sex, is a telltale sign of BV. However, about half of women with BV have no noticeable symptoms.

BV is diagnosed by a culture examination. If bacteria is present, it will show up during a culture. The only way to treat BV is by using an antibotic. You can only obtain this antibotic by visiting a doctor.

I would suggest going to an urgent care center if there are any in your area. If not, you could always go to the ER. Based on how you've described your symptoms, I would wager to guess that it's not BV.

I would not suggest using any sort of over the counter medication without consulting a doctor, most products will only make your symptoms worse. If you could stand it, place an ice pack on the irritated area for about 10 mins. That may help to reduce the pain.

3 day to permannent BV relief click here

i have had bacterial vaginosis and no it dosnt sound like what you have i had no discharge or no pain near my bum. The only way i found out i had it was threw a pap test that came back abnormal. You need to go get checked for an std.

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